
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Juggling the hanging

Spent this week pinning motifs, hanging up, re-pinning, rehanging, stitching, rehanging etc etc......
You can tell where the juggling reference came from, but at last I'm at about 80% completion and the stage where I'm leaving it on the wall in view while I "consider" it.

 I like the layering effect achieved as I wanted to give an impression of looking through vegetative growth and have (at present) hung the 2 mesh layers on the same perspex pole. But I'm feeling that the layers might be better separated slightly and hung on 2 poles eg 4cm apart, which would require fixing the poles in parallel like this bracketed to the wall or hung from the ceiling.  This would be achievable in a gallery on a flat wall, but the curving wall in the office might be too challenging and the hanging slightly proud of the wall present an impedance to passing foot traffic in the corridor.

Here are a few photos of the work to date:

11.32 Complete hanging
Details of the 'bark' area with additional whip stitching to give mottled texture as on the real tree

As I've said, the depth of the layers appeals to me and I've tried to photograph the effect you get looking along the length, almost between the layers.  What you don't get from the photos is the glinting from the shisha mirrors at different times of the day.

My next task will be to see how the piece looks against the blue wall of the company foyer....


  1. Looks great Helen !
    (lovely to see the big photos ;-) ...
    the bark stitches are from the machine I think ???)

  2. Pleased you are back safely. Your piece is coming together great and so interesting to have a site commissioned project.
