
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What's in the box?

I recently posted that I'd made a felted cube (for want of a better description) with my round robin donations and I thought you might wonder what was going inside.
Well, as if I didn't have enough course work to occupy me, I signed up recently for an online felted surface design course with Fiona Duthie.  One look at her website and you'll see why.  I am now into week 4 of 6 weeks and loving it, can't recommend it enough.  I've also been able to 'meet' and chat with other felt mad people around the globe while we felt, not to mention receive lots of online advice from Fiona.

Anyway, enough of the sales pitch.  Back to the box - in testing out all the ideas given my Fiona, I've generated 'just a few' dozen samples which happen to be about 8" square and fit beautifully inside my cube, ideal!

And what am I working on?  Well, here's a few photos of my samples:


  1. Hi Helen !!! Can only "dito" your remarks on Fiona's wonderful workshop ;-)
    I LOVE it too !
    You have wonderful samples, the one with the cotton batting looks só lovely, I still must try that one ... but all my habotai is too thick, so it won't felt in as easily as yours ...
    (I did the flaps some years ago, but then I didn't use prefelt but laid out the roving on top of the bubble wrap)

    Pfff: commenting here is much easier : the discussion page just won't open on my old machine ....

  2. All I can say is wow! Fantastic colours, wonderful textures, I was blown away! :-)

  3. You always have such fun courses ,I especially like the second picture..

  4. Fabulous samples Helen! What a lovely package with these great pieces inside that beautiful box.

  5. I'm looking forward to starting the same class with Fiona in a few weeks
