
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Clearing the decks

Gave myself an early Christmas present this week - a clean floor around my workspace - finally organising and presenting my last Module's work in folder format.  It also included finishing the paperwork outstanding for Module 4 and preparing a design board (two A3 sheets) for my PAP3 piece.

Timing involved in PAP3:

Research and design work for this piece started in February 2013 and was completed end April 2013 (covering approximately 35 hours)
Sampling and embroidery work started March 2013 and completed end August 2013 (covering 85 hours)

Costing involved in this PAP:

3m silk organza
150g merino wool roving
1m white merino prefelt
4ply wool for cording
approx 50g landscape dye
approx 3 reels sewing thread
watersoluble stabiliser for lacework
vinegar as mordant for acid dyeing
Total $105 AU

Self Evaluation of PAP3:

I enjoyed researching and developing this piece.  It referenced the faces/portrait design work of module 3, the motif design development of module 4 and the felt making skills develped in module 4, while having connection through the motif origin with my personal research theme overall - floral, vegetation.
It allowed me to explore my liking for lace in a felted environment and the result was well received when exhibited and gave pause for thought.

The design process again showed me the benefit of stepping back and rethinking a composition, creating more of the unexpected rather than the somewhat duller expected view.  The motif work in this case, demonstrated its use in creating a cohesive exhibition of pieces, a technique I'm sure I will reuse in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to see your design boards and read your evaluation of the piece and your thoughts on the production.
    It is a very beautiful piece, I've enjoyed seeing how you worked through the whole process from design inspiration through to the resolve hanging.
