
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Chapter 1a - Historical Embroidery study

With 2012 almost over and thoughts turning to resolutions I've managed to get some of my work on Module 4 finally down on A3 card and, of course, up on the blog.

Initial historical research in Chapter 1 looks at flowers in embroidery from the Elizabethan era (during 16 and 17th centuries).  I started by looking at samplers as I had a wonderful book on the Goodhart Samplers I picked up from Montecute House last time I visited the UK.  The collection itself on display at Montecute was amazing and I could have spent the whole day studying them in detail.

The next board (1.2) looks at embroidery in costumes and the third (1.3) at embroidery in accessories such as gloves and bags.



Towards the end of the 17th century, raised embroidery or stumpwork was particularly popular often with floral themes.  Much of this embroidery appeared in wall hangings, mirror surrounds, and caskets, boxes or small cabinets.  Examples of this embroidery are found in 1.4.


I acknowledge several publications and websites for some of the photos and material used in this presentation.

Bromiley Phelan, Dorothy (2008) The Goodhart Samplers, Needlepoint Press
Exhibition Review, Wrought with the Needle, 2011, March/April Embroidery
Mayer Thurman, Christa C. (1992) Textiles in the Art Institute of Chicago, the Art Institute of Chicago Press
Victoria and Albert Museum, London


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