
Thursday, April 12, 2012

I guess they liked it...

Visited the Royal Easter Show yesterday in Sydney with my parents who are over from the UK for a few weeks not just to pick up a showbag (of course), but also to see my pieces in the Arts and Craft exhibition.  I had entered 3 items this year - 2 bags and a wearable art piece - and was so pleased to get 1st placings for them all!

I'd checked this on the website prior to going but then found out only once we got there that my wearable had also received an "Award of Excellence" and was in a separate display cabinet!  Mega chuffed....

This was the contemporary Elizabethan piece that I described in my last posting so well worth the effort with that nightmare couching on the bias....

The photo below shows one of my bags that won, in the felted accessory section.

For those of you that might be interested in how it was made, here are a few photos taken during its 'creation'.

embroidered felt for the main bag

'endless' cords for the lattice

threading the felted rings on to form the lattice effect

a bit of twirling and voila..
And would you believe I don't have any photos of my last bag.....later honestly....once it returns to me after the show....

Hope you all had a good Easter!


  1. Well done - I've always told you that your work is good! ;-)

  2. Congratulations on your win. I love the bag!

  3. Very well done, you deserved it, your Elizabethan piece was superb, as is your bag, what a great unusual piece, I love it.

  4. Well done! You definitely deserved to win first prize. I love your Elizabethan piece and your bag.

  5. Just lovely, am not surprised with all the 1st places!

  6. Well deserved - I love your bag, really unusual.
