
Monday, January 9, 2012

Resolved knitting sample

The inspiration for my resolved sample came from a photo I took in the autumn out of my 'studio' window.  I can see one of the few deciduous trees in our garden from there, and in the autumn it was a gorgeous mass of red.

I aimed to create a sample that would give a sense of the colour arising from the volume/ bulk of leaves and variety of tone, using a multilayered 'fabric' of knitting elements.

I first knitted a piece with holes and elongated stitches (15 x 18cm) using plastic strips, then ironed it (6.13) and painted it with acrylics (6.14).

Small quantities of overlocked braided threads were prepared using combinations of red, green and fawn threads in needles and interlopers.  Some of these 'braids' were also created over a thicker core Perle thread (bottom left of 6.14).  A piece of knitting was made out of these threads.


6.16 (detail of 6.15)
Although the piece looked a bit like discarded seaweed there was a plan, really.  Since it was made with 3 longish disconnected 'fingers' of knitting, I could weave it out and in the plastic lattice.

 The piece lacked focus and green actually (although the photo does not do the actual colourings any justice either), so I treated some real leaves with polymer sealant and threaded them on to green perle 8 before attaching them by crochet chain stitching them in situ.

Et voila.... my resolved sample


( detail of 6.18)


  1. I love these samples - the texture is wonderful. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I would love to come teach felting classes in Australia. Maybe someday soon :)

  2. The leaves are just the finishing touch it needed - lovely tactile sample.
