
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Carols in the Domain

Saturday night we risked the chance of rain to go into Sydney for the annual Carols in the Domain, held in the open air out on the Domain parkland in the centre of Sydney.
The rain stayed off and it turned into a lovely evening.  There were thousands in the crowd as usual and we'd arrived with only 30mins to go before televising started so it was a bit unlikely we'd find anywhere to sit.
But our luck was in and a family with very tired crying toddlers were vacating their space as we passed so we descended with Esky and rug in lightening speed.

It's a lovely night just for the spectacle of thousands sitting in the dark all with candles, singing carols - it sets you up in the right mood for Christmas.

Good wishes to all my fellow bloggers and distant stitchers whether you are baking in sunshine or freezing in the snow!
Merry Christmas!

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