
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas cheer

Course work has been a bit 'thin on the ground' recently as we took a break up to the Gold coast last week before Christmas but I thought I'd share some photos with those of you lacking from heat in the UK at the moment.

And this is high season!
We also did the theme parks and water parks for my son - son and hubbie exhausted themselves up and down horrendous water slides while I got some serious reading done for once, except for the odd rollercoaster - it has to be done!
Hubbie is the one screaming like a girl second from back!
 I took some knitting supplies for later felting but it just wasn't the weather for it and the reading won. I can thoroughly recommend Kate Atkinson's "Got up Early, took my dog" if you haven't discovered it already - definitely up to her usual standard.
Before we left I finished a couple of nunfelted bags for Christmas presents for family back in UK but I fear they may still be languishing in the snowbound post offices of Scotland.

So here's a photo, mum, it's on its way, honestly.

I do hope you all have a lovely restful Christmas with plenty of time for textile art, of course. Many thanks for your supportive comments this year, guys. 


  1. Oh Helen! We are so cold here, so it's lovely to see your photos. Happy New Year to you.

  2. Happy New Year Helen, my eldest son & partner are moving to Adelaide in Feb so we should be doing an Aussie trip 2011/12. A stop off in Sydney will be a deffinite!

  3. Lacking in heat was an understatement! Now we know how a frozen turkey feels.Have a wonderful new year.

  4. The bags are great, I hope they've now arrived in Scotland.

    Best wishes for 2011
