
Monday, August 23, 2010

Chapter 2 - Metallic Threads

Chapter 2 looks at metallic embroidery relating to Opus Anglicanum and ecclesiastical embroidery. 
The photos below appear blurry in some cases but if you click on them to get a close up they are quite clear - don't know why this has happened here.

Couching by Hand
These first few images are of samples couching metallic threads (and some less conventional materials) by hand (size approximately 8cm square)
2.1 Some 2cm wide metallic ribbon couched down by running stitches in red Perle cotton.  Gold lurex thread and red metallic thread were laced through these stitches.

2.2 Spirals cut from metal foil couched down by red Perle cotton.

2.3 Metallic plastic mesh woven with yellow metallic ribon couched down with large stitches in yellow Perle cotton thread.

2.4 Twisted braids of red mettalic floss and gold lurex thread couched down with red Perle cotton in herringbone stitch.

2.5 Metallic wrapping paper strips wrapped in red metallic thread held down by laid work in large stitches of red Perle with small anchoring stitches in yellow Perle.

2.6 Stamped images of leaves, from Module 1 sketchbook, in bronze acrylic paint.  The outline of one couched in gold lurex with red Perle cotton stitches.

2.7 Strips of corrugated metallic card couched down with large diagonal stitches of metallic ribbon in a trellis pattern, then laid work anchored with small horizontal stitches in red Perle cotton.

2.8 A tight purl of 24 gauge gold wire made using a 'coiling gizmo'.  Similar purls of silver wire made then coiled on themselves and laid within the "s" bend.  All purls were laid down using red Perle cotton.

Couching by Machine

2.9 Thin wavy strips of metal foil couched down with machine zig-zag in red thread.  Bundles of red metallic thread couched on top using automatic wavy machine stitch.

2.10 Thick metallic ribbon arranged in interlocking folds held down by a line of machining down the centre.  Machined cords of yellow / metallic Perle were laced through these created folds and couched at certain points by machined zig-zags in red.

2.11 Metallic chiffon fabric strip held down by couched cotton embroidery thread in such a manner as to create repeating tucks in the fabric horizontally.  Large stitches of metallic thread sew vertically across this fabric by machine then couched down at points along this vertical length.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Helen, It was good to meet you at the summer school, so much more personal when you can put a face to the blog. Looks as if you are off to a flying start to module 2. I have almost finished it and to tell you the truth I found it hard going, so good luck!
