
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Chapter 7 - colour and stitch

I prepared some decorated papers in my colour palette (A2 and A3 size) for use in the various design exercises. The photo below shows a small area of some of these.

I used stamping with acrylics, pigmented gels and gloss varinishes, rubbings, monoprinting, bleaching and ink washes. Some had an obvious plant theme and others incorporated the shapes, textures from my sketchbook work.
I took a few and worked at translating them into stitch as follows:

7.1 I tried to interprete the broad strokes with fragments of overlapping dyed scrim and free motion straight stitch.

7.2 The paper had quite a texture to it through the use of molding paste so I used dyed Saa bark with scrim fragments to give a rough texture overlaid with machine embroidery. The shadows in the background come from pieces of cloth and wool tops embellished through from the back.

7.3 The cheesecloth background is embellished with wool tops and scrim from behind, has green netting, overlocked thread strips and pieces of pink Saa bark worked in with whipstitch in different threads.

This paper was prepared from rubbing oil pastels over a plastic grid in various directions, then inked over with terracotta and green Procion dyes.

7.4 The stitching has embellished green and beige wool tops in background flesh muslin. Dyed hessian pulled apart has been attached using whipstitch and then further whipstitching and cabling in pink (green in bobbin) make the checkerboard effect on top.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Helen
    These are lovely, you have translated the paper marks into stitch so well. Well done!
