
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Life

Got distracted from my work (easily done with me) by a parcel in the post from the UK this week - an anniversary present from my other half. He let me open it a bit early, OK a few months early, in case "I didn't like it" he said, and he had to rethink - as if!!
Inside was one of Jan Beaney's wonderful wall hangings from her Australian series!

"New Life"

I think it was part of her exhibition at the Ally Pally in Oct with Jean Littlejohn, in case any of you recognise it.

I sat for ages just relishing being able to handle it up close. Needless to say I am still on a high!


  1. what a uocky girl - I was lucky enough to see the exhibition at Ally Pally

  2. Wow, if that's not a good excuse for being distracted I don't know what is.

    And congratulations. Should we assume it is a 'significant' anniversary?

  3. Lucky, lucky you! i saw this in exhibition in the Dublin stitch and knit show and loved it.

  4. Thanks for pointing out how to make pics bigger. How did I not manage to see that!

  5. Hi, I am Dorie from the fibre-in-form group. I have never heard from her before (shame, shame) but getting start with this group I have seen her name here and there. This was is very beautifull and inspirational. It will never boring to look at it. greetings dorie

  6. What an amazing wall hanging. Jan Beaney is so talented. I too have a piece of hers called 'Pink Dusk' which my husband bought for me some years ago. It's a landscape of a Cretan hillside with rough grass and olive trees. I absolutely love it - it changes with the light and can look dark and sombre or bright and warm. You can almost feel the heat some days and hear the cicadas chirping.

  7. Lucky Lady!!! Thanks for sharing your treasured gift as well as your own wonderful work. Your texture samples were incredible!
